Immunity Protection

Immunity Protection

There has been many that would like to do away with qualified immunity protection with regards to police officers due to the death of George Floyd along with the Black Lives movement. Let’s take a look at some of the bills that are being introduced. Bills about...
New Laws Protecting Police Funding

New Laws Protecting Police Funding

There are many new laws coming out of 2020. Some good for police and others not. Police departments across the country are being held accountable for the actions of a few officers involved in high profile deaths. This has resulted in extensive protests, property...
Above and Beyond

Above and Beyond

You don’t have to look very far to see police officers going above and beyond the call of duty. With all the negative press that is happening with police officers. It’s inspiring to see some of the stories that you typically don’t hear about. Officer...
Never a Cop Around…

Never a Cop Around…

There’s never a cop around when you need one. This is kind of been a running joke for years. But with the potential for defunding this may in fact become even more reality. Lets say the average response time in some communities is under 5 minutes for police to...
Local Budgets and Strategic Planning

Local Budgets and Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is difficult when you can’t depend on your local budgets. Even if we’d never heard the names George Floyd or Brianna Taylor the situation regarding COVID-19 would have still impacted police departments across the country.  The calls...