Police reform is an ongoing process that is bearing fruit. The days of the U.S. police being seen as solely the bad guys are gone, but there’s still work to be done to ensure that citizens and law enforcement can coexist peacefully in today’s society. Many will insist that reform must come at the expense of public safety, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are some of the ideas behind effective police reform and how it can better serve both citizens and officers alike.

Start Early with Police Reform

One of the most important things you can do when it comes to police reform is to start early. Getting involved in your community and working with local law enforcement can help create a relationship of trust and mutual respect. This can go a long way in ensuring that both sides are open to communication and willing to work together for the betterment of the community.

Train Officers to Deal with Crisis

The first step in reforming the police is to train officers to deal with crisis situations. This will help them de-escalate tense situations and better protect both themselves and the community. In addition, officers should be required to undergo regular mental health checkups to ensure they are physically and mentally fit for duty.

Engage the Public

One of the most important steps in reforming the police is engaging the public. This means creating opportunities for open dialogue and collaboration between law enforcement and the communities they serve. Be as transparent as possible letting civic leaders see how things are done.

Provide More Officer Support

One way to police reform is to provide more support for officers. This could include better pay, mental health resources, and improved training. With better support, officers will be better equipped to serve their communities. In turn, this could help improve community safety. Relationships take a long time to create. Having a revolving door of new officers will not help with community collaboration. Ensure officers are able to make the investment in the communities they serve by investing in them as well.

Hire Recruits Who Are a Good Fit

One way to help ensure that police are properly serving and protecting their communities is to be more selective about who is hired in the first place. That means looking for recruits who are a good fit for the job and who have the right temperament. It also means being more intentional about training officers so that they know how to de-escalate situations and resolve conflict without resorting to violence. Language proficiency is also helpful and if you have recruits from the local neighborhood, that can be a plus as well.

Discipline Problem Officers Promptly

It’s important to deal with problem officers quickly and decisively. That sends a message to the rest of the force that bad behavior won’t be tolerated. But it’s also important to make sure that officers are given due process and a chance to defend themselves. hastily disciplining an officer without a thorough investigation can do more harm than good. The media can often try and convict officers in the court of public opinion. Make sure there is a transparent process that has community support.

Instill Trust and Build Relationships in Neighborhoods

Police reform is an important topic that has been brought to the forefront in recent years. The police play a vital role in keeping our communities safe, but there have been many instances where they have not lived up to this expectation. In order to reform the police and build trust within our communities, we must first instill trust and build relationships in our neighborhoods. Including reform goals and objectives in your strategic plan should be a key component of every department’s plan.