Town Planning Services

Comprehensive Planning

All communities are either required to have a comprehensive plan or should have one.  The challenge for rural communities (under 5000) is they don’t have the budget for either the plan or the things they would like to put in the plan.  We take a different approach.  Rather than starting from a clean slate, or the last version that was done, we use a best of breed starting point and then take away things that may not apply or be realistic.  This dramatically shortens the process and still gives you a plan that meets your needs.  The pricing is also designed to be within reach of almost any small community. 


Community Information


Goals and Objectives


Surveying of Community and Staff


Comprehensive Plan Creation

down town

Let us help your community create a comprehensive plan that accounts for the problems we are all facing, and also addresses uncertainty in funding, employment, and climate.

We want you to have a new comprehensive plan for your town in a matter of weeks rather than months

Let us build your town a comprehensive plan that meets town objectives and supports the needs of the community

Community Information

We will do a high level analysis of community issues such as housing, infrastructure, sustainability, public health, economic development, Community services

Dealing With Change

We look at how your town operates as an ecosystem and help you look at changing patterns and needs.  This is not designed to sit on a shelf for 10 years until revisited.   


We survey the community to identify key areas of interest and possible improvement

Comprehensive Plan Creation

We take your community information and overlay it on our library of goals and objectives to create a plan that is unique to your town


Plans are a roadmap, but we all know there are potholes.  We offer quarterly reviews and tunes ups to keep you and your strategic plan on track


Your comprehensive plan may include initiatives that require additional research.  We can do process analysis and activity based costing to improve existing programs.

Get Started Today

let us help you create a new direction for your town that adjusts over time to the needs of the community.  Our approach is a fraction of the cost of traditional planning and should be affordable by any town.  

Book a Free 30min Consultation