You don’t have to look very far to see police officers going above and beyond the call of duty. With all the negative press that is happening with police officers. It’s inspiring to see some of the stories that you typically don’t hear about. Officer Matthew Knowlton of the Northampton Police Department has been on duty for not quite a year. On Jan 30, a car traveling in the opposite lane of a 35 mile an hour zone, crashed into Officer Knowlton at about 76 miles an hour. The officer was able to cut himself out of the car and climb through his window. Even with a shattered leg, officer Knowlton crawled to get to the driver of the other car, and render assistance. Officer Knowlton now faces several months of recovery following surgery.

What We See

No one wants to be in this situation, but few people would ignore the fact that their leg is shattered and attempt to help somebody who’s just crashed into them at high speeds. This is the type of selflessness that we actually see with most police officers and it often too often goes unnoticed, or ignored because of the various narratives.

The media would rather focus on the actions of a few police officers who don’t really live up to the the code of conduct and ethics. You don’t have to look very hard to see that most officers will do whatever they can to protect and serve their community.