Multi-Disciplinary Teams

Multi-Disciplinary Teams

Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDT) include various medical services colleagues from different disciplinary groups with integral abilities, skill, and experience. It has been determined that the usage of multidisciplinary groups produces a greater, more pronounced and...
Hate Crimes and the Police

Hate Crimes and the Police

Hate crimes are on the rise in the United States, and police departments must adapt to better deal with these incidents. In recent years, it’s become clear that some police officers are more aggressive in investigating hate crimes than others, while some cities have...
How Uvaldi Will Affect You

How Uvaldi Will Affect You

The latest active shooter event in Uvaldi is likely to impact every police department in the in the United States. The likely outcome is that there will become a national standard for police training. Even though almost all police departments are trained in the same...
Opioid Settlement Funds for Police

Opioid Settlement Funds for Police

The opioid settlement funds for police and other organizations will be arriving in states within weeks. The question is how will the funds be divided up. This has been in the works so long that some of the original plans may have gone by the wayside. While there are...
Police Predictions

Police Predictions

What are the Police Predictions that will impact law enforcement for the next decade. Departments need to have their crystal balls ready for some of the strategic planning that they need to do. Technology is changing quickly. A police officer’s job isn’t easy – it can...