Police Services

Strategic Planning

Most Police Departments have, or had, some form of a strategic plan going into 2020.  Between Covid and protests related to several high profile deaths, many departments are being pushed in new directions.  For some it means changes in focus and changes in staffing.  We have created a strategic planning process to get things back on track quickly. 


Community Information


Department Information


Surveying of Community and Staff


Strategic Plan Creation

Let us help your community find solutions to homeless, mental health, and substance abuse related incidents


We want you to have a new strategic plan for your police department in a matter of weeks rather than months


Let us build your police department a strategic plan that meets community objectives and supports the needs of the community


Community Information

We will do a high level analysis of community issues such as crime, mental health issues, homelessness, and substance abuse

Department Information

We look at staffing, call volumes, call types, community interactions, leadership, and demographics 


We survey both the community and department to identify key areas of interest and possible improvement

Strategic Plan Creation

We take your community and department information and overlay it on our library of goals and objectives to create a report of 50-75 pages


Plans are a roadmap, but we all know there are potholes.  We offer quarterly reviews and tunes ups to keep you and your strategic plan on track


Your strategic plan may include initiatives that require additional research.  We can do process analysis and activity based costing to improve existing programs.

Get Started Today

Let us help you create a new direction for your department that adapts to the change in community need and direction from civic leaders.  Our approach is designed to meet the needs and budgets of rural police departments.

Book a Free 30min Consultation